Forms and documents
On this page you'll find forms and documents for use by licensed, certified, and approved child care programs. Some of these forms are required, others are provided as templates for use as a reference.
Admission agreement and health assessment (English)
Admission agreement and health assessment (Español)
Annual training record
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (English)
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (Español)
Diapering procedures
Director education credentials
Emergency preparedness plan (English)
Emergency preparedness plan (Español)
Emergency numbers
Incident report form
Medication permission form
Sign in/out form (Daily)
Sign in/out form (Monthly)
Admission agreement and health assessment (English)
Admission agreement and health assessment (Español)
Annual training record
Approved menus
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (English)
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (Español)
Diapering procedures
Disaster drill log
Emergency preparedness plan (English)
Emergency preparedness plan (Español)
Emergency numbers
Fire drill log
Incident report form
Infant/toddler record (5 days)
Infant/toddler record (7 days)
Medication permission form
Sign in/out form (Daily)
Sign in/out form (Monthly)
Admission agreement and health assessment (English)
Admission agreement and health assessment (Español)
Annual training record
Approved menus
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (English)
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (Español)
Disaster drill log
Emergency preparedness plan (English)
Emergency preparedness plan (Español)
Emergency numbers
Fire drill log
Incident report form
Medication permission form
Sign in/out form (Daily)
Sign in/out form (Monthly)
Admission agreement and health assessment (English)
Admission agreement and health assessment (Español)
Annual training record
Approved menus
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (English)
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (Español)
Diapering procedures
Disaster drill log
Emergency preparedness plan (English)
Emergency preparedness plan (Español)
Emergency numbers
Fire drill log
Incident report form
Infant/toddler record (5 days)
Infant/toddler record (7 days)
Medication permission form
Sign in/out form (Daily)
Sign in/out form (Monthly)
Admission agreement and health assessment (English)
Admission agreement and health assessment (Español)
Annual training record
Approved menus
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (English)
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (Español)
Diapering procedures
Emergency numbers
Emergency preparedness plan (English)
Emergency preparedness plan (Español)
Emergency substitute statement
Fire and disaster drill log (English)
Fire and disaster drill log (Español)
Incident report form
Medication permission form
Sign in/out form (Daily)
Sign in/out form (Monthly)
Admission agreement and health assessment (English)
Admission agreement and health assessment (Español)
Annual training record
Approved menus
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (English)
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (Español)
Daily schedule
Diapering procedures
Emergency numbers
Emergency preparedness plan (English)
Emergency preparedness plan (Español)
Emergency substitute statement
Fire and disaster drill log (English)
Fire and disaster drill log (Español)
Incident report form
Medication permission form
Sign in/out form (Daily)
Sign in/out form (Monthly)
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (English)
Behavior expectations and positive guidance (Español)
Emergency preparedness plan (English)
Emergency preparedness plan (Español)
Fire and disaster drill log
Monthly attendance record
Monthly attendance record (Before and after school)
Ongoing training record