Foster care licenses

Utah Foster Care recruits and prepares prospective foster parents to become licensed and receive foster children into their home. Once prospective foster parents have met with Utah Foster Care, they are invited to attend a foster parent training series and are given a foster care license application packet to begin the licensing process.

Once training is completed and all paperwork has been submitted, the prospective foster family will meet with a licensor for a safety inspection of the home and the home study (an in-depth interview to gather information on family history and dynamics that will assist in matching foster children to the family).

Prospective foster parent checklist

Outlined below are the steps that will be required in order to become licensed as a foster parent. Utah Foster Care will assist applicants with the required details and paperwork.
Submit an application

Clear a criminal background check

Complete the preservice training course with Utah Foster Care

Submit a medical form from your doctor

Provide income/financial documentation

Provide names and addresses of 3 to 4 references

Provide proof of certification in CPR and first aid

Submit proof of car insurance

Submit a copy of your marriage license (if applicable)

Provide immunization records for all household members (this is only required if you would like to be considered for placement of infants under 2 months of age or other unimmunized children of any age)

Renewing a foster license