Applications and renewals
This page outlines the process of applying for and renewing a human services license and DSPD certification.
Submitting a human services application
Applying for a new license
- Apply and submit all of the following:
- Provide the name and contact information for each responsible decision-maker, including any owner or program or facility director
- A copy of your current city business license
- A copy of your current fire inspection
- A copy of your local health department inspection
- General liability insurance
- Professional Liability Insurance (If applicable for services being offered.)
- Fire Insurance
- Additional Insurance to Cover Program Activities
- Vehicle Insurance (if transporting clients)
- Outline of the organizational structure of the agency (lines of authority, position titles, job descriptions etc.)
- Non-discrimination Policy
- Floor plan outlining and labeling designated space and measurements for capacity determination (Required for the following license types: Day Treatment, Residential Treatment, Residential Support, Recovery Residence, Adult Daycare, Social Detoxification, Therapeutic Schools)
- Notice of intent and proof of service submitted to the city where the licensed facility will operate (Required only for Residential Treatment)
- Youth Education Coordinating Form approved and signed by the school board or superintendent (Required only for Residential Treatment programs serving education entitled children)
- Suicide prevention policy (Required only for Congregate Care programs)
- Behavioral management policy including policies regarding the use of restraint and seclusion (Required only for Congregate Care programs
- Proof of educational accreditation (Required only if offering school on-site)
- DUI Education Provider Agency certificate (if offering DUI education)
- Controlled substances dispensing licenses and registrations (Required for any program that prescribes, stores, administers, distributes or dispenses controlled substances. This form can be found at
No sooner than 4 working days after submitting the application:
Background screenings should be completed in the Direct Access Clearance System (DACS) for all staff who will have direct or incidental contact with clients or their records. New programs will be given access to DACS after submitting a license application.
More information on the process of background screenings can be found on the Office of Background Processing page.
Once all paperwork has been submitted, your application will be assigned to a licensor who will review your policies and procedures, do a safety inspection of your location, and address any outstanding concerns.
The licensor will issue your license when all criteria have been met.
To help you prepare for this process, you can find forms and checklist documents on the human services forms page.
Applying for a new DSPD certificate
If you are going to be serving 3 or fewer DSPD clients for either day support or residential support services, you will obtain a certification instead of a license. Serving 4 or more clients requires a license.
In order to apply for a certification, you must have completed the process with the Office of Services Review (OSR) to obtain a contract to serve this population. If you have not completed this process, please start this process by visiting the DHHS Procurement website.
To apply for a certification for Residential Support
- Apply
- In the online application, you will select the option “Residential Support”, and enter a capacity of 1, 2, or 3. Entering a capacity of 4 or more means you are applying for a license instead.
- Complete HCBS Settings Rule: Attestation Tool for Residential Settings and HCBS Settings Transition Provider Self-Assessment Tool, Residential: Setting Specific
- No sooner than 4 working days after submitting the application:
- Create a UtahID Login
- Log Into Your Office of Licensing Provider Portal
- Submit completed assessment through the “Submit Documentation” left menu option.
To apply for a certification for Day Support:
- Apply
- In the online application, you will select the option “Day Treatment”, and enter a capacity of 1, 2, or 3. Entering a capacity of 4 or more means you are applying for a license instead.
- Complete HCBS Settings Rule: Attestation Tool for Non-Residential Settings and HCBS Settings Transition Provider Self-Assessment Tool, Non-Residential: Setting Specific
- No sooner than 4 working days after submitting the application:
- Create a UtahID Login
- Log Into Your Office of Licensing Provider Portal
- Submit completed assessment through the “Submit Documentation” left menu option.
To apply for a certification for Community Based Day Support:
- Apply
- In the online application, you will select the option “Day Treatment”, and enter a capacity of 1, 2, or 3.
- If your program serves 4 or more clients in total for Day Support services that are based in the community, you are required to obtain a Day Treatment license, and enter a capacity of 4 or more.
- Complete HCBS Settings Rule: Attestation Tool for Non-Residential Settings and HCBS Settings Transition Provider Self-Assessment Tool, Non-Residential: Setting Specific
- No sooner than 4 working days after submitting the application:
- Create a UtahID Login
- Log Into Your Office of Licensing Provider Portal
- Submit completed assessment through the “Submit Documentation” left menu option.
Background screenings should be completed in the Direct Access Clearance System (DACS) for all staff who will have direct or incidental contact with clients or their records. New programs will be given access to DACS after submitting a license application. After the application has been processed, we will reach out to you and provide you with the next steps to get your background screening completed.
More information on the process of background screenings can be found on the Office of Background Processing page.
Your application will be forwarded to the Licensing Supervisor over your area and assigned to a licensor. The licensor will complete a safety inspection and issue your certification.
To help you prepare, you may review the certification inspection checklist.
Renewing a license or certificate
In order to renew your license, you must submit all required items no later than 30 days before your license expires. Failure to submit a full renewal request, pay the required fees, and have an Announced Annual Inspection and show compliance with the licensing rules may result in late fees or the need to reapply for a new license.
- Fill out and submit a Renewal Request via your Office of Licensing Provider Portal. Upload the below information into the Renewal Request:
- Current business license
- Current fire inspection, or documentation showing an exemption, from your local fire authority
- Proof of insurance to include general liability, professional liability (if provided services that require it), and any other insurances applicable to your program
- Policy & procedure manual (if there have been any changes over the past year)
- Youth Education Coordinating Form (if applicable)
- Pay the appropriate fees.
- Contact your Licensor no later than 60-90 days before expiration to schedule a time for a program review and safety inspection. Then, review the checklist to ensure that you have addressed all areas that the Licensor will review. Your Licensor’s contact information can be found by logging into your Provider Portal.
- When all requirements have been submitted and all criteria have been met, your renewed license will be sent to you by a Process Specialist.
In order to renew your certification, you must submit all required items no later than 30 days before your certification expires. Failure to submit a full renewal request and have an Announced Annual Inspection and show compliance with the certification requirements may result in the need to reapply for a new certification.
- Fill out and submit a Renewal Request via your Office of Licensing Provider Portal. No fees are required for certifications at this time.
- Contact your Licensor no later than 60-90 days before expiration to schedule a time for a program review and safety inspection. Then, review the checklist to ensure that you have addressed all areas that the Licensor will review. Your Licensor’s contact information can be found by logging into your Provider Portal.
- When all requirements have been submitted and all criteria have been met, your renewed certification will be sent to you by a Process Specialist.
Changes to a license or certificate
- To make any of the following changes, a new application must be submitted. Follow the instructions for “Applying for a new license” above.
- A change of location
- A change in the population served
- A change in the regulation type of the program or facility
- An additional license category
- A change that transfers 50% or more ownership or controlling interest to a new owner
- To request any of the following changes, submit a Change Request through your Office of Licensing Provider Portal
- Increase or decrease in your licensed capacity
- Change of facility name
- Less than 50% of Ownership Change
- Change in phone number or email address
- Change in DHHS contract status
- Change in SUMH certification status
- Change in accreditation status
- Change of administrative site where no clients are served
- Change of Speciality