Out of State Registries
Contact Information for obtaining an out of state Central or Child Abuse Registry Check
An out of state registry check is required to submit with your background screening application if the agency for whom you are applying with is providing youth residential services and you have lived outside of the State of Utah during the past five years. Please contact the background screening unit with the Office of Licensing if you have questions. The following list of contact information and forms has been compiled to assist you in making direct contact with states to obtain a child abuse registry check. Should you encounter information that is out of date, please contact the Office of Licensing and we will update this form.
NOTE TO APPLICANTS: When requesting the check, let the other state know that it is for COMPLIANCE WITH THE FAMILY FIRST PREVENTION SERVICES ACT (rather than just saying it is for employment purposes). If the other state requires a letter of authorization from DHHS/State of Utah, you may use this letter opens in a new tab
. The fields for your name and the state to which you are sending it are editable if downloaded to your computer.
Form: Click here opens in a new tab
Instructions: Click here opens in a new tab
Phone: 334-242-1310
Form: Click here
Return form by email to: [email protected]
Phone: 602-364-4255
Fax: 602-255-3245
Email: [email protected]
Form: Click here to download opens in a new tab
Instructions: Directions and links to access the two stage electronic submission process can be located on our website at https://humanservices.arkansas.gov/ Once you are on the webs1te, you will need to click on 'Division of Children and Family Services" under the Division and Shared Services tab. You will then sec the option to Request A Child Maltreatment Check. This process works best using Google Chrome.
Phone: 501-682-0405
For foster care or adoption agencies: Click here
All other requests should come as a self-inquiry: Click here
Email: [email protected]
Form: http://coloradoofficeofearlychildhood.force.com/oec/OEC_Providers?p=Providers&s=Background-Checks&lang=en opens in a new tab
(click link in the "Out-of-state Applicants" section)
Phone: 303-866-4119
Form: Click here opens in a new tab . Please submit a copy of your program/agency's DHS license along with the application in order for Florida to process it.
Instructions from Georgia: https://ionsrequestportal.dhs.
Form: http://humanservices.hawaii.gov/ssd/backgroundcheck/
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 808-586-4888, 808-586-4993
Form: https://magik.dcs.in.gov/BackgroundCheck/External/Forms opens in a new tab
Phone: 800-225-9173, option 1
Form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Unx76yIwwQbT9NAmegb3VSavgTwars_z/view?usp=drive_link
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 515-564-4112
Please go to https://kog.chfs.ky.gov opens in a new tab
and create an account. Follow the directions to submit an out of state check request.
Phone: 800-372-2973
Form: https://dcfscans.dcfs.la.gov/ opens in a new tab
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 225-219-3461
Form: Click here opens in a new tab
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 617-748-2000
Click here opens in a new tab for instructions.
- Step one: Click on Register Online (you will need to enter the SSN twice)
- If the site shows that you are registered, see step two. If not, follow the instructions to register (it requires SSN, e-mail address, credit card information {$15/at the time of this e-mail}). Once registered, call the number in step two.
- Step two: call 866-422-6872 and let them know you need a child abuse/neglect check. They will ask for the employee's social security number/name.
Form: https://ecmp.nebraska.gov/DHHS-CR/ opens in a new tab
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 402-471-9272
Complete and submit this form. opens in a new tab
Please email the completed form with a copy of your driver's license and a short statement regarding the type of employment (Youth Residential Services) and the name and location of the facility. The request must come directly from the applicant.
To request records related to reports of child abuse and maltreatment in New York State, you will need to sign into the OCFS Request For Information (RFI) Portal using your NY.gov account at:
If you do not have a NY.gov account, click on the Create an Account link and follow the instructions to register your new account. Once you are signed into the OCFS RFI Portal, you will be prompted for information that will be needed to process your request.
Instructions: Instructions to complete an application opens in a new tab
Form: Application online portal opens in a new tab
Phone: 919-814-6300
Oklahoma does not current maintain a Child and Abuse Neglect Registry
Info: http://www.okdhs.org/services/cps/Pages/outofstaterequestsforoklahomacpshistory.aspx opens in a new tab
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 405-522-4051
Directions: If you are an agency outside the state of Rhode Island and you are requesting a clearance for an individual who formally lived in the state, we require the following:
- A signed release from both the individual and the staff from the agency requesting the clearance. There is no form. You may send this release on agency letterhead.
- Please also include:
- Name
- Previous Rhode Island address(es), if known
- Agency check or money order in the amount of $10.00
- Made payable to “General Treasurer State of Rhode Island”
- Cash and personal checks are not accepted
- All requests can be submitted to:
- The Department of Children, Youth and Families
Attn: Record Center, 2nd Floor
101 Friendship Street
Providence, RI 02903
- The Department of Children, Youth and Families
- State agencies outside of Rhode Island are not required to pay the fee. And, may fax their requests to (401) 528-3480 with the information noted above on state letterhead.
- You may call (401) 528-3842 if you have any questions about making an Adam Walsh Child Abuse Registry request.
Form: Click here opens in a new tab
Email the form directly to: [email protected]
Phone: 615-741-9701
Note: Tennessee requires the employer to fill out and send the form. They will not accept it from an individual employee.
Form: https://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Background_Checks/ opens in a new tab
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 800-645-7549
DCFS Siteopens in a new tab
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 801-538-3993
Form: Click here opens in a new tab
Directions: To initiate the request process, please email the completed and signed form to CWBckgrdRequests@wisconsin.