Fingerprint services
The Office of Background Processing (OBP) provides fingerprint services for individuals receiving a background check through OBP. This includes:
- Child care staff
- Health facilities staff
- EMS personnel
- Medical cannabis applicants
- Human services applicants DHHS employees
Fingerprint services are offered by appointment only. Each appointment is for a single individual. In order to schedule for multiple people, you will need book an appointment for each person requiring fingerprint services. Click on the button below to book an upcoming appointment time slot.
Fingerprint appointments are available Tuesday through Thursday.
Due to the number of no-shows an appointment can only be schedule a maximum of 5 days in advance.
Appointment information
Please bring all of the following with you to your appointment:
- A current government-issued photo ID
- A printed fingerprint authorization form (OBP is not able to print this form for you and without it you will not be able to have your fingerprints collected during your appointment)
- $15 (to cover the cost of the fingerprint processing fee)
If you have paid the fingerprint processing fee fee prior to your appointment, you will need to bring proof of payment with you to your appointment. Card payments are preferred, but cash will be accepted in exact change only. To make a payment online, please visit the make a payment page.
You must arrive on time for your appointment. If you are late, your appointment will be cancelled and you will be required to schedule a new appointment.
Upon arriving for your appointment, check in with the building's front desk.
If you become sick, please reschedule your appointment. If you show symptoms of illness during your appointment, you may asked to leave.
Fingerprint cards
If an applicant resides out of state or cannot go to a live scan location, OBP may accept fingerprint cards on a case by case basis. OBP will only accept fingerprint cards if you have received approval prior to sending the fingerprint card.
To request approval to send in a fingerprint card, the individual's background check form must be submitted, paid for, and the disclosure form completed by the applicant. An email will then need to be sent to OBP at [email protected] with the applicant's name, background check number, and reason why a fingerprint card will be used.
There is a $15 fingerprint card processing fee. This fee may be paid online or by mailing a check or money order along with the fingerprint cards.